Test Information
Free ACT
The ACT test gauges a student’s readiness for success in the first year of college. ACT scores can get you money for scholarships. Most colleges are "test optional", meaning you no longer need to take the ACT to get in. However, that is based on your GPA. If your GPA is too low, you will need a higher ACT score to be accepted.
For the 2024-25 school year: All Arkansas City High School juniors can take the ACT during the regular school day – for FREE on 3/5/25.
Prepare for the ACT
Do I Need to Take the ACT?
ACT scores can help you get into the four-year college that you want. Not all require ACT scores, but many do. If you are planning to attend a two-year college or a certification program you do not have to take the ACT. However, if you score a 26 composite, you are eligible for free tuition, fees, and books at some community colleges, including Cowley College. Also, many scholarships require a minimum ACT score to qualify
Registering for the ACT
- To register for the ACT, go to actstudent.org and click on SIGN UP/LOG IN
- ACHS SCHOOL CODE: 170-110***
- When you register, you will need a copy of your transcript and a copy of your school photo. The photo can be downloaded from PowerSchool and uploaded into the ACT registration.
- The cost of the ACT is $65. Writing add-on fee is $25 and the Science add-on fee is $4.
- If you are classified as a junior or senior AND are on free or reduced lunches, in Upward Bound, in Foster Care, are documented as Homeless, are in Gear Up or live in Low Income Housing, you are eligible to take the test for free. Simply talk to your counselor to get a fee waiver. The waiver allows you to take the test four times, in a lifetime, without charge. If you do not qualify for the waiver, you may register with your counselor, but you must have a credit or debit card number, with expiration date and security code.
- ACHS offers College Test Prep, a semester long course, that will guide your test prep.
Visit ACT.org for additional information.
***Once you register to take the ACT at the ACHS testing site, check your email for updates on site change from ACT.
ACT Test Dates
Register for the SAT
Find upcoming test dates and register for the SAT.
Prepare for the SAT
ACT WorkKeys
The ACT WorkKeys assessment is a job skills test that measures a student’s foundational skills needed for success in the workplace. Unlike traditional academic exams, WorkKeys focuses on real-world skills employers value, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork.
Students who take the WorkKeys assessment have the opportunity to earn the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), a widely recognized credential that demonstrates they possess essential skills for a broad range of jobs.
ACHS offers juniors the opportunity to take the ACT WorkKeys assessment during the school year. For the 2024-2025 school year, the test will be held on March 6, 2025 at 8:00 AM. To sign up, please contact your assigned counselor.
The Pre-ACT is a practice version of the ACT that helps 9th-grade students prepare for the official ACT college entrance exam. It provides an early indication of academic strengths and areas for improvement, as well as insights into career interests. The Pre-ACT covers four key subjects: English, Math, Reading, and Science, just like the ACT.
All 9th-grade students took the Pre-ACT during the school day on October 30, 2024 and results were distributed to students on December 13, 2024.
For more information about the Pre-ACT or to discuss your student’s results, please contact the ACHS counseling office.
The PSAT (Preliminary SAT) is a standardized test designed to help students prepare for the SAT, a widely used college admissions exam. The PSAT measures skills in Reading, Writing & Language, and Math. It also serves as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program for juniors, offering scholarship opportunities to high-achieving students.
The PSAT was administered to interested 10th and 11th graders on October 8, 2024. Students can access their results electronically through their College Board accounts.
For assistance with accessing scores or understanding results, please contact an ACHS counselor.